Wow, I had a rough 24 hours, but I am feeling much better although worn out by the whole ordeal.
It started as a sore throat that lasted about 6 hours, and then I moved into the sniffles. I was feeling extremely tired by 4:00 last evening, so I went to bed. Resting, I was awakened frequently with extreme pain in my sinus cavities, and in other internal body parts. When I got up this morning, I didn't feel much better, but as the day has worn on, I have definately gotten through the worst of it.
I was very surprised by all of it. I think it is the first time I have ever experienced a true healing crisis. I have had many times I was sick as my body determined to get rid of things it could not bear any longer, but they have been disease crisis situations.
All I could think about was how wonderful it was to rid my body of whatever it was getting rid of. I wonder if the body stores up toxins produced by viruses and such. I wish I understood the whole process better. My next thoughts were of how disgusted I was that I had done these things to my body through neglect of proper natural hygiene, particularly in the path of healthy eating habits. It is truly wonderful to be given a second chance.
I found it interesting that I only wanted to drink water most of the day yesterday and into today. Even juice seemed more of an effort than my body wanted to invest in digesting. I am learning to become more intuitive about what I need. As I was going through the pain, I kept reminding myself that I could trust my body to do what needed to be done. I believe it did that!
One of the things I find truly wonderful about juicefeasting.com and other raw food movements is how young its participants are. I hope you appreciate how fortunate you are to be beginning these things at your young age. In case you haven't noticed, there aren't too many of us old folks involved in it; I guess it is hard for us to accept that there might be a different and better way to do things than we have always thought. Of course, there are some in the movement who picked up on it years ago when it wasn't the popular thing to do. I have known many of these concepts for 30 years plus, but have been unable to adopt them into my lifestyle until now.
You'll notice a new addition (hopefully) today: a video. I heard about this new gadget called the Flip video which is much less expensive than a camcorder and more portable. We'll see how it goes.
Is that the video at the bottom of the screen? All I see is a white box. The video didn't seem to load. I hope all is well and that you are enjoying your anniversary month!
well, it was there a couple of days ago. I wonder where it went. I'll have to check on it to see what is going on.
Thanks for letting me know and for reading the blog.
It is there now!
We are really proud of you for doing this, and I am glad it has worked out so far.
Now that you aren't juice feasting anymore, don't you wish you could have timed it to where you could have eaten at Jaray's birthday party? The raw food there was really yummy!
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