We completed graduation last night. Traditionally we all go out as family afterwards for a big barbeque supper, Dorian was disappointed that we would not be doing that. We did take him and the kids to Taco Bell. Darius and Alicia went to Publix to get some watermelon bowls. Lucky them. Roger, who is doing mostly raw, had a chicken bowl without the chicken, and one of their new fruit smoothie drinks (which is probably loaded with sugar), and I had water. I had no time during the day to prepare extra juices with the preparations necessary for graduation. Water is not so bad. I had what I would consider true hunger pains about 9 p.m., but they soon passed. I was too exhausted when we finally got home to burden my body with the digestion of even juice.
I am still having some congestion, but not anything too critical. The itching has stopped for the time being as well.
I am still amazed I am on a journey with no solid foods. I realize I am not doing the program as it is supposed to be done, and I hope that I will be able to get better with that. I realize I will be more successful the more I do implement it, but I don't know how to organize my time to look out for myself. It is a very foreign concept. This experience is helping me to learn that. Even forcing myself to do this is very hard, but it is helping me with insights that will hopefully improve my overall level of success.
We got to the graduation site early as I had scheduled some time at the beauty shop at 3:00. She couldn't do a later appointment, so I knew there would be some dead time. We used that to walk around the Ravines for about 40 minutes. It was a nice way to calm ourselves from all the hustle and bustle of preparing and packing for graduation. It was a beautiful day. There are no azaleas like in the photo at this time of year, but there is plenty of greenery. We saw a banana tree with bananas on it! I don't have too many opportunities to go outside, but I love it. I would like to do that more.

Today we were asked to put on one of our food storage programs like we used to do when we were serving as missionaries. A little out of our league now, we will do the best we can with what we have now. I believe the church's emphasis about long term storage is a lot more realistic especially in my circumstances. Should fresh vegetables and fruits not be available, we will have to fall back on stored grains. The Word of Wisdom says they should be our staff which indicates to me it is a crutch for when optimal foods are not available. I believe this is the pattern for all human eating. During famines, mankind would have to rely on grains. Unfortunately, much of the world is in a famine-like state much of the time due to climatic conditions, etc. We tend to think all the world has always been as it is now. A lot of it is because people have gotten away from the concept that they must till the ground for their food. They are relying on grain sources because it is easier than the day-to-day grind for fresh fruits and vegetables. The production of grain is more labor intensive, but when it is mechanized, we can buy large portions that last a long time. Vegetables and fruits require a constant vigil. Isn't that what we were told in the Garden of Eden: By the sweat of our brow would we produce our food? We must think of our whole continuum and where we are going with it.
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