Sunday, June 14, 2009

Leftovers are the Best

For lunch today we had some beautiful strawberries left over from the market. I decided to make Wyatt's favorite: strawberry soup. This is just strawberries, a few raspberries to highten the flavor of the strawberries, some lemon juice, and agave to sweeten. I swirled a teaspoon of the vanilla yogurt silk on top. More delicious than you can imagine. We had waldorf salad left from the market, so that's what we had for our lunch. It was also very good. I love the avocado mayonnaise in there. Have I published the waldorf salad recipe? There's a tag for it, so I must have. The avocado mayo makes it better than the nut based one in my opinion.

Darius made some jalopeno poppers for dinner. These are just jalopenos split and cleaned of their membranes and seeds (for us wimps). Then we fill it with that good guacamole we made. I'll have mine on lettuce leaves, thank you. I do love the peppers, their flavor, but the heat is too much for me to eat more than one. Wyatt had the peppers stuffed with no net tuna and really liked it.

We finished off the night with some popsicles for FHE treat made from left over raspberry smoothies last week. I just wanted a juvie lemon shake. It hit the spot.

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