Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Blogging: the new Sitcom

I've been thinking a lot about how exposed we are with this blogging thing. I'm wondering how we will see it years down the road. There are perhaps two ways to look at it: my first thought is that no one really reads them anyway, and the more people post, the less read any individual blog will be. Secondly, if everyone is putting it out there, we won't be so shocked by the individual defeats people post.

It's kind of like the wave of sitcoms that became popular in the 50's. They remain popular today because people can relate to them. Blogging fills this perhaps better than TV as it is people we know or can get to know. They are real people.

It seems like whenever I am thinking about something, I read a blog about it somewhere else. This time it was Steve Pavlina's again:


He talks about how as we "share our shame" in a public blog we are getting rid of the burden. As it is lifted from our soul, we can move on. True confessions as it were.

I have always been cautious when journaling not to include things of a "negative" nature, not because I feared what my progenitors would think should they ever read it, but as a precaution if they did. I didn't want to bring them down in some of my worst case scenarios. But, like the sitcoms of the 50's, everything is not rosy. Somehow, we can identify more with people's trials than their triumphs. I guess the triumphs are easy; it is the trials that get our attention.

As I was reading daughter-in-law blogs today (thank you both, by the way), I was thinking what a blessing this would be to their children someday. I think my children have seen my life as too easy as I kept my trials to myself. This was possibly a disservice to them as they assumed their life would be as easy as they saw mine to be.

Well, I'm here now to tell ya, it ain't easy. Hardly any day is easy. Every once in a while, maybe, but not usually. There, now I've said it. I will try to "share my shame" more on my blog and in my journaling as I learn to let go of my failures.

That being said, it is not an easy thing for me. I'll try harder tomorrow...

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