As you know, I don't usually blog about baseball leaving that up to the excellent bloggers that Darius and Dorian are about it, but I just can't keep quiet about this guy any longer. He has the best ERA of any pitcher on the Suns (except Clayton, and I'm not sure how that happened since last week he was sitting on a 4 something). He is the 4th best in the Southern League. Last night was rained out, but he pitched the top of the first inning with 2 strikeouts. I can't wait to see what he does tonight in the makeup game and at the All-Star Game on Monday. Go, Jesus!
Speaking of baseball, Roger and I were talking on the way home about how the stadium was built to accomodate a AAA team, and we were speculating on who that might be. I did a little research when I got home and discovered the Marlins are currently in Albuquerque, New Mexico, a long way from home. I'd love for the Mets to make Jacksonville their AAA home (they're in New Orleans now), but the Marlins would be ok I guess. I would miss my beloved Dodgers, but the writing is on the wall. They are trying to get all their affiliates out west, and of course, that is more reasonable, especially with transportation costs as high as they are.
I decided to do the math on Kershaw for the year. As you noted, Clayton had an ERA in the 4's (4.46, to be precise); however, that was in the MAJORS. In the AA level, he has pitched with an ERA of 2.08, after that stellar 7.0 IP, 0 run effort last night (his first win of the year at either level!). So if you combine the ERA's, according to the IP from each league, he's got a combined 3.04 ERA.
Pretty stellar--I'm so glad we get to see him pitch again. I may start bringing the camcorder again--his stuff is legendary, and I know he is going to be a great dodger.
On the Triple-A team issue, that would be GREAT to see the AAA Marlins organization come. I would greatly miss the Southern League, but who knows what new teams we would see if the Fish came. Right now, they are in the Pacific Coast League, which also includes the AAA team for the Dodgers, Mets, and Cubs! Not sure if the Marlins league affiliation would change if they moved to the EAST coast, but the New Orleans Zephyrs (AAA Mets) are still in that league, so who knows?
I figured that out about the 4 something ERA that it was the majors. The powers that be compute the ERA differently as they move around, so that ERA will stick with him and not be averaged into his minor league stats. I think he is a fine pitcher, but my thoughts about Jesus (and James McDonald for that matter) still stick. The Dodgers have got something going with this pitching line-up. If Shoe has anything to do with it anyway. I think he is one of the best managers as far as his ability to develop good ball players.
Regarding the stadium issue, I did some homework on whether the Pacific League and the International League went along the American and National League guidelines, and they do not. There is a mixture of American and National League affiliates in both Leagues, so the move wouldn't affect their major league status. All the more reason, right?
No one would miss the Suns more than we would since Dad (and I to a lesser extent) are big Dodger fans. That is a price we would pay for liking a West coast team, I guess. We would have to follow them from afar were they to make the move.
Our question was: if the Dodgers do make the move, would the Jacksonville stadium then revert to the AAA status, and if so, would an East Coast team move their AAA team from the less convenient West Coast location to Jacksonville? Like you said, it would be some great ball for the fans in terms of the opponents that would play there. I see now that you are thinking the Albuquerque guys would have to switch to the International League if they made the move to the Suns. In looking at the Pacific and International Leagues, I don't think that would be a problem as their doesn't seem to be any continuity there.
Maybe you know, DT, is there a blog out there for the Marlins where they talk about this stuff?
Thanks for your comments.
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