I am amazed at all of the different information out there regarding health. It seems you can find a rationalization for every imaginable lifestyle. Brings to mind the fact that there is only one real source of truth. I guess I'd better get on my knees to get it figured out for me.
One source says too much fruit is bad; another says you can't eat too much fruit. One says juicing is great; another says, no, you need the fiber: do smoothies. One says if you start going raw there is no going back - to do so will do irreparable harm. Another says anything you do along the right path is good. It is really very overwhelming. On a given day I will have 10 e-mails in my mailbox each with a different opinion.
What it really boils down to is that we each must do what helps us to feel the best. Of course we struggle within the paradigm we set up, but we innately know (I really believe this) what we need to do. We may not do, at least not right this minute, but we know which direction we need to head into. I think we would be fine with this except that all the experts give us warnings on what disastrous results will happen if we don't follow their advice.
I had to laugh at a recent warning I received. On the page I opened was a U-tube of the well-respected professional telling me how disastrous my outcome would be if I chose a path different than he advised. On the page around the U-tube were advertisements for all the supplements he sells that he thought I should be taking instead of the real food choices I might be making. I think his listeners might listen better if they thought his motives were a little more sincere. I don't doubt that one could be healthy on his supplements; I just don't think that is the only way. Maybe there is a market for this if people want easier and faster than real food, I don't know. I remember when we were looking into alternative treatments for Darius, we were referred to a company who made a greens supplement. When Alicia called them and told them we were juicing everyday, they said, "Oh, you need to use our product. That juicing is so messy!" Indeed!
At one point I decided that if someone were trying to sell something I wouldn't bother listening, but that's not really fair either. I guess I need to depend on the Holy Ghost. I know I have been directed in the places I have gone to the people that helped me make lifestyle choices. I am grateful for that direction and hope it will continue. I do get overwhelmed sometimes by the choices, though.
Yesterday we went to the Halifax Hospital to see a friend in a coma from a car accident. It is the first time I have ever seen anyone in a coma. It is a little frightening. All the doctor shows on TV say that people in comas can still know what is going on around them, so I talked to him quite a bit, and Roger gave him a priesthood blessing as requested by the family. It was a tender few moments we spent with him, and I hope he comes out of it soon. His insides were pretty ripped up by the accident, so the coma is probably protecting him from the trauma and helping him to heal.
Afterwards we went to Publix to pick up some fruit and salad. We went to the boardwalk at the Daytona Beach to eat, and it was a pleasant meal. I really enjoy being at the beach. I wish we could make more time to do that.
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