I have so many journals right now, I don't know which end is up. I have this blog, and truth be told, I'm not sure what its function is. Then there's my online journal where I keep an almost daily log of my life. I also started a scripture journal based on admonitions and inspiration received at a recent seminary training. There's also my regular 8 1/2 by 11 hard bound hard copy journal that is going unnoticed in the digital frenzy. And then there's the piles and piles of yellow and white steno pads where I write down notes and inspirations as they come to me with the intent to record them in the most pertinent venue at a later date. (That doesn't usually happen by the way.)
"So why so many venues?" one might ask. Good question... I've been thinking about that a lot lately. I can't find his entry now, but Darius posted about this as well, how one of these is a more private venue for posting personal stuff, and the blog is more of an editorial kind of posting on what's going on in our lives.
I even thought of taking up digital posting, but live journal, where I keep my personal stuff, only lets you post a line or two, so I tried posting reminders to myself of events during the day so that in the evening I could expand on them. This worked well while attending a weeklong class in West Palm, but I have forgotten to do it since then. Life seems to be too hectic to write about it.
I think journaling is a very important part of stress reduction. I believe we could write through a lot of the things bugging us if we would consistenly remember to write. I am amazed at what does come out when I don't think I have anything to write about. It goes back to the old Field of Dreams analogy: if you write it, the thoughts will come.
Our lives are so full of stress. Everyone on the planet is plagued with it. Heavenly Father wouldn't put us here with all of this without helping us find a way to deal with it. Maybe journaling is the solution along with living the gospel to begin with so that our lives are not as complicated. I think we are supposed to spend time each day in prayer in meditation as well, and I know exercise helps too. I guess we have all the tools we need, we just have to apply them.
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