Darius told us about one of his professors whose wife contracted brain cancer. Sadly, she passed away this week. The professor had contacted Darius to ask him about his treatments but evidently disregarded what Darius was doing. I was telling Roger about it today, and he asked, "I wonder how we can get people to listen." To me it is just like the gospel: people hear about it and either receive a witness that it's true, or they disregard it as quirky, weird, irresponsible, unChristian, etc. The only way anyone will ever know if the gospel is true or not is if they receive a witness of it from the Holy Ghost. Roger asked me how I knew to start eating this way, so I shared that story with him. I would never in a million years have done this if the Holy Ghost had not told me. I never even heard of such a thing as a raw vegan. One time many years ago I read an article in a magazine about a man who only ate raw fruits and vegetables. I sighed and said, "That might be nice, but I could never do that. It's just too hard." For all I knew there was only one man on the earth living like that, so it certainly would not have been a choice I would have made without promptings. I believe if the Holy Ghost would tell me to do such a thing, He would tell everyone anything it is that they need to do whether it be to join the Church of Jesus Christ or live a healthier lifestyle. (And everything in between!) It all goes back to how much our Father in Heaven loves us and wants us to have joy and happiness while we sojourn here on earth. It is us that removes ourselves from His presence through our running off into other more enticing (or so they seem) endeavors.
As I was relating my story to Roger, another thought occurred to me. When the Holy Ghost suggested we give "mild foods" to Darius (those were His exact words), I didn't know what that meant. I had to ponder it, and then I asked if by mild He meant foods for which an extreme amount of digestion wouldn't be needed, and the answer was yes. So I talked to Alicia, and she agreed to start giving him "mild foods". We didn't know what we were doing exactly, but we were confident that the Spirit would continue guiding us (and boy did He!). We bought a juicer and started making him raw juices a couple of times a day. We knew from previous experiences (and doesn't He always prepare us so that we will have what we need at the right time?) that raw juices require almost no digestion, so they can begin to do what vegetables (called herbs in the scriptures) are supposed to do (heal) almost immediately as they begin to be absorbed into the blood stream. Quickly he gained strength, so we knew we were on the right track. As we started researching on the internet, we found more and more information until we arrived at where we are at today. I have no doubt that more will be unfolded all the time. My point in mentioning this is that the Holy Ghost doesn't give you the whole drawn out scenario. He gave me a very tightly compressed nugget: "mild foods". As I began decompressing the nugget, the information within it grew and grew and grew and grew. I figure I've still only gotten about an eighth of inch into it after a year and a half. What wonderful treasures He has for us! I can hardly wait to get up each day and find out what new scrapings will reveal.
1 comment:
I'm loving the blog post/journal entry every day! Keep it up...
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