I love salads, I really do, but I think it's the sauciness of all those veggies swimming around in dressing that I like. I mixed the pineapple/raisin mixture up in my dressing hoping to minimize the fat content of the salad, but it didn't help much. I've got a couple of recipes for low fat dressings that I'm going to try out if I can get them made before Roger surprises me with another salad. He put olives in there too, but that only accounted for 1% of the fat. The vegannaise in the Thousand Island was the big killer.
Anyway, I made the black bean burgers I've been wanting to make all week, but I didn't have any flax or chia to hold them together since we don't use eggs. It was more like a bean/rice hash, and it was okay. Not too flavorful like you want a burger to be, but I'll work on it. They have some really good black bean burgers at Costco, but I think they have egg in them. If you want it done right, you gotta do it yourself! Here's what I ended up eating today. (Notice the carb loading after the salad to try to offset the fat calories - it's all a numbers game I tell ya. In fact, if I could have eaten 35 more bananas, I'd have gotten the fat percent down to 10. It would have been almost 6000 calories though, so I'd have had to run a marathon or something to work that off. It makes me tired just thinking about it!)
Breakfast: 2 kiwi, 3 bananas
Lunch: huge salad w/ tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, pineapple & raisins, and 4 oz Vegan Thousand Island dressing
Snack: 3 bananas, 2 mangos
Dinner: black bean “burgers” with catsup on Romaine leaves (I was going to have them on bread, but I really wasn't hungry enough even though I knew I needed more carbs.)
Total calories: 1861 fruit; 2308 total
Caloronutrient ratio (carbs/protein/fat): 72/6/21