I didn't have a monumental food day. I felt kind of blah, actually; not bad but not good either. I didn't feel like eating, so nothing I ate was very exciting. So, with that being said, I thought I'd share a coconut water with you that my son found called Harmless Harvest. Since coconut water has become such a "thing" and it's everywhere, I have to say the best kind is the one you get from the actual coconut. There are just a couple of little problems with that. These are a bit of a challenge to bust open to get their delicious liquor, and it is very perishable. Also, I found out they soak the coconuts in formaldehyde to keep them from molding while they are transported out of Thailand, their country of origin. So what's a fella to do?
Some brilliant marketing genius decided to start processing the coconut water, so all we had to do is pick up a pack and have all we want. One problem. It didn't really taste much like real coconut water. Now, if you've never had real coconut water, that may not be a problem. But for me, it was. I'd buy a few here and there and use them in smoothies, but I couldn't drink them straight up. Until now. These Harmless Harvest guys figured out a way to cold press the coconut water so that it is not heat processed. I was still skeptical until I tasted it. Wowee Kazowee. It tastes like the real thing, and I really love it. I'm finally able to buy coconut water again and not have to worry about the formaldehyde thing since these are organically grown. Check out their website for more info: http://www.harmlessharvest.com/
And ... here's what else I ate today:
Breakfast: 16 oz Harmless Harvest coconut water, 135 g raisins
Lunch: an apple, 2 mangoes
Dinner: 1 oz Stacy’s multi-grain pita chips w/ 4 oz Hummus in a blender; 4 slices Alpine Valley Multi-grain w/ Omega 3 bread (oops, found out it has honey and is therefore not vegan) w/ Dijon mustard and Sultana cucumber slices (my favorite vegan sandwich)
Total calories: 1007 fruit; 1819 total
Caloronutrient ratio (carbs/protein/fat): 80/10/10
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